Jane (지혜), Ashley (애실) 자매님 단기선교 기도편지
2012.05.24 22:31
우간다로 단기선교를 떠나는 지혜/ 애실 자매님의 기도편지 요약본입니다. 무엇보다 건강하고 안전하게 주님의 사명을 잘 감당하고 돌아오기를 위해 기도부탁드리며, 원본은 첨부 파일 참조 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다
<Jane (지혜)>
1. 선교지: New Hope Orphanage in Busia, Uganda
2. 주요 선교(봉사) 활동 :
- English enrichment teacher for young children
- to foster children's socio-emotional development, storytelling, and story writing skills
- to train young teachers to continue teaching the curriculum after I leave Africa
3. 필요물품
- teaching supplies
- school supplies (pencils, erasers, unused notebooks)
- baby clothes/shoes, female undergarments (underwear, bras), and bed sheets.
- for the children to find great joy in their learning, and that they would feel truly loved and cared for.
- to have the strength and courage to give sacrificially, teach passionately, and love recklessly
each and every day I am there.
- May God will fill me with the strength and courage to teach and to love just like Jesus did for me.
<Ashley (애실)>
1. 선교지: Mukono, Uganda (Beacon of Hope Uganda)
2. 주요 선교(봉사) 활동 :
- working with the local orphanage.
- teaching basic English and Math skills to children
- organizing games and arts and crafts for daily activities with the orphans.
- to create a loving environment for children and to share with them the greatest love of all,
the love of Jesus Christ, our savior.
3. 필요물품
- need fundraising money (~$25,000) for teaching materials and living expenses
- notebooks, folders, pens/pencils, even toys, games, clothes and etc
4. 기도제목
- for traveling mercies, safety, and health
-for the people of Mukono, Uganda and that God works within their hearts
-for God will put people in my path who are in need of God’s grace while I am in Uganda,
so that I can pray for them and share with them the Gospel
댓글 0
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 조회 수 |
91 | 사랑하는 새언약교회 성도님들께 소식전합니다 [3] | 쏠티 | 2012.06.23 | 30678 |
» |
Jane (지혜), Ashley (애실) 자매님 단기선교 기도편지
![]() | 선교부 | 2012.05.24 | 27236 |
89 |
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10주년 축하드립니다,
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메리 크리스마스
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84 | 폴 워셔(Paul Washer) 목사님의 Youth 설교 [1] | 지지아빠 | 2011.11.25 | 33640 |
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이봉기, 조신애 가정 득남
[4] ![]() | 교회서기 | 2011.08.31 | 31990 |
82 | 한국을 다녀와서 [6] | arnoq | 2011.08.20 | 29765 |