교육 EFK로 이주

2011.05.31 13:10

cheershelena 조회 수:30096

Hello ,

My name is Helen Chung.   My husband and our kids ( 6 and 15yrs old) are moving to EFK from CA in June.

I can type in Korean here but it takes so~ long time for me to type in Korean.


We don't know much about EFK area and it would be a great help if you can tell me about the area (house and school) and church.  My daughter is going to be 10th grade in this fall, so we need help for the high school selection.

I read already your brochure here for new comers.   It was a great help, but if I can talk to somebody in the area, it would be great.  


Thank you very much.

best regards,

Helen Chung ( 408. 569. 2260 cell)